California Society of Health-System Pharmacists (CSHP) (Popularity: )
The 3,700-member state professional association that represents pharmacists who practice in hospitals, health maintenance organizations, long-term care facilities, home care agencies, and other components of health care systems.
Health - Pharmacy - Organizations
National Academy Of Health & Business (NAHB) (Popularity: )
The National Academy of Health & Business is a leading Career College with campuses in Mississauga and Hamilton. We have been training Healthcare, Business and Law Enforcement Specialists for over 30 years.
Education - College
ABM College Of Health and Technology (Popularity: )
ABM College of Health and Technology is a registered vocational college with campuses in both Toronto and Calgary. The college offers diverse range of courses to suit a broad range of students. The purpose of the college is to help students enhance their ...
Health - Home Health
Institute Of Health and Management (Popularity: )
Institute of Health and Management is one of the top healthcare training institute in Kerala (India) and focuses at providing the best healthcare courses to mould the careers of healthcare professionals. Courses are offered at the most affordable rates ...
Education - Teaching
The Institute Of Health and Nursing Australia (IHNA) (Popularity: )
The Institute of Health and Nursing Australia (IHNA) is one of best college of nursing in Australia which had carved a niche for itself in the area of health education in Australia. The institute provides both online and offline professional development ...
Education - Organizations
- Importance Of Being Ernest
- Importance Of Your Website
- Importance Of Contractors
- Importance Of Compassion
Australian College of Health Informatics (Popularity: )
An Australian health informatics professional body. Newly established it intends to represent the interests of a broad range of clinical and non-clinical professionals working within health informatics.
Health - Medicine - Informatics - Associations
University of Victoria, School of Health Information Science (Popularity: )
Focus on collection, storage and communication of health data, conversion to information and how computer and telecommunications technology can support these processes. Provides academic details, newsletter, collaborations, people, contacts and courseware ...
Health - Medicine - Informatics - Academic
Society for the Social History of Medicine (Popularity: )
Pursues inter-disciplinary approaches to the history of health, welfare, medical science and practice. Organization information, upcoming conferences, journal table of contents, and internet links.
Society - History - By Topic - Social History
National Institutes of Health (NIH) (Popularity: )
An agency of the US Department of Health and Human Services. It is one of the world's foremost medical research centers and the Federal focal point for health research. As the steward of biomedical and behavioral research for the Nation, its mission ...
Society - Issues - Animal Welfare - Animal Experiments - Vivisection
National Institutes of Health (NIH) (Popularity: )
An agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the NIH is the Federal focal point for health research. NIH is the steward of biomedical and behavioral research for the nation.
Society - Issues - Health - Health Policy
Blue Shield Of California (Popularity: )
Blue Shield offers a range of health, dental and life insurance coverage for individuals and families. We'll help you determine your needs and get an online quote. Blue Shield of California, an independent member of the Blue Shield Association, is a not ...
Business - Investing
Moyash: MY shah Health Care (Popularity: )
A life without any health related challenge is a life lived at its maximum. Poor health conditions have a severe impact on an individual’s personal, financial and social life. Further, a smallest un-attended medical condition can lead to a permanent ...
Health - Organizations
International Federation of Health Plans (IFHP) (Popularity: )
A group of health insurers with one hundred member companies in 25 countries. Aims to assist in the maintenance of high ethical and professional standards throughout the industry.
Business - Financial Services - Insurance - Life and Health
Virginia Association of Health Underwriters (VAHU) (Popularity: )
A grassroots organization of professional insurance advisors engaged in the sale of health, disability, and long-term care insurance. Site includes events, legislation, and links.
Business - Financial Services - Insurance - Life and Health
National Organization for Associate Degree Nursing (Popularity: )
Advocate for associate degree nursing education practice, promoting collaboration in charting the future of health care education and delivery. View membership and officer information, and discussion board.
Health - Nursing - Organizations - North America
Carolinas College of Health Sciences (Popularity: )
Programs in Medical Technology, Nursing, Radiologic Technology, Surgical Technology, Nurse Aide and Phlebotomy, and individual, general education classes. Information about schedules and application information are offered. (Charlotte, NC)
Health - Medicine - Education - Medical Related Training
The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) (Popularity: )
The 30,000-member national professional association that represents pharmacists who practice in hospitals, health maintenance organizations, long-term care facilities, home care agencies, and other components of health care systems.
Health - Pharmacy - Organizations
National Assembly of Health and Human Service Organizations (Popularity: )
An association of national nonprofit health and human service organizations bound by a common concern for the effective delivery of health and human services to the American people, especially those in need.
Society - Issues - Health - Health Policy
Faculty of Health Sciences (Popularity: )
Information about Queen's School of Medicine, School of Nursing, School of Rehabilitation Therapy and its Life Sciences program. Includes program information and news from the fields of health sciences.
Reference - Education - Colleges and Universities - North America
Department of Health Studies (Popularity: )
Seeks to increase and communicate knowledge that enhances health, reduces illness and improves outcomes of health care.
Reference - Education - Colleges and Universities - North America